Seniors make the most of Adelaide Metro’s free public transport
A new study by the University of Adelaide is showing that the Government’s free public transport initiative for Seniors Card holders has been a huge success.
The Government extended free travel for seniors to all times outside of the morning and afternoon peak weekday periods in December 2013.
“The university’s study found on average, Seniors Card holders are making more than 150,000 trips on public transport in the Adelaide metropolitan area every week,” he said.
Transport Minister Stephen Mullighan said, “Free public transport means that it is cheaper for our seniors to move around our communities and get into the city and it reduces congestion on our roads.
“Seniors make a significant contribution to creating vibrant communities in many ways, whether it be through volunteering and part-time work, helping raise grandchildren, supporting the arts and attending sport or supporting local businesses,” Mr Mullighan said.
“More than 350,000 South Australians are Seniors Card members and all are entitled to free public transport.”
“The South Australian Seniors Card incorporates Metrocard technology which means seniors only have to carry their Seniors Card to travel on the Adelaide Metro network.”
Permanent South Australian residents aged over 60 and working less than 20 hours per week in paid employment are eligible to receive a Seniors Card.
Interstate Seniors Card holders can visit an Adelaide Metro InfoCentre, show their interstate Seniors Card and receive a magnetic ticket for free travel for a maximum of 14 days.
For further information about the South Australian Seniors Card see or contact the SA Seniors Card Unit, the Office for the Ageing, by emailing [email protected] or free call 1800 819 961.
See links to Seniors Cards in your state or Territory at